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The Stages of Hereditary Hair Loss

There are four stages of hereditary hair loss. Find out where you are and what can be done to prevent your hair loss from progressing further.

The four stages of hair loss and how to stop it

So you have found that you are a candidate for hereditary hair loss. Either or both sides of your family have baldness in their genes. Now what, you might ask? How will I know when it starts happening to me and what should I expect to occur?

Dr Robert Nettles has identified the 4 main stages of hereditary hair loss. He is also the inventor of the NettlescopeTM. This patent pending technology was developed to identify well in advance the very early onset of hair thinning associated with hereditary balding, before it is even visible to the naked eye. Giving you a chance to stop your hair loss in its tracks, before it even has a chance to take hold.

But what are the stages? Dr Nettles has identified 4 main stages that you will go through as you lose your hair. Each is detailed below.


The first thing you should expect is for your hairline at the front to start receding both at the front and at the temples. This will happen as you mature from juvenile to adult and does not on its own indicate the onset of hereditary baldness until the recession extends further than about the width of your finger.

The first big indicator of oncoming baldness is that the temples will recede faster and further than the rest of the hairline.


The onset of thinning hair is the next indicator that you are on the road to hair loss. This can be noticeable in a couple of ways:

1. The spot in the center of your crown will become very thin of hair and in men in particular start to resemble peach fuzz rather than hair.

2. Hair on the top of your head becomes sparse and your scalp becomes very visible when your hair is combed or parted.


If action is not taken at this time, your hair will continue to thin further and the area will spread until gradually the whole of the top of the head will become sparser as hair follicles wither and die and others become smaller and smaller producing only peach fuzz.

While peach fuzz still exists, Dr Nettles Stop and reGrow solution can still help you and will act to stop the thinning further and then regrow your hair back fuller and healthier than before over time.


The final stage occurs when the hair follicles die completely. At this point the scalp becomes shiny and more like an egg than a peach. This is where the term bald like an egg comes from. At this stage the only thing which can bring back your hair is a hair transplant.

The moral of the story? Don’t wait until it’s too late. The sooner you take action, the faster you will regain your healthy locks and grow back your own hair naturally, health and long.

Contact us now on ( 310) 601-4778 to schedule an appointment. Dr Nettles will review your hair with his patent pending NettlescopeTM and will be able to tell you even before stage 1 becomes visible whether your hair thinning and future hair loss has begun.

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